The Junior Academy offers a opportunity for 5th and 6th grade students to develop skills that will help as the prepare/enter middle school. Much of the learning is intentionally integrated into activities that create chances to practice these skills. In other words, they are learning, without realizing they are learning. The major emphasis of our work, is that we are all in this together and that we can grow by supporting each other. We keep everything positive and strategically change small working groups to ensure that everyone works with everyone (my experience has been that long term, this can really help to build relationships and break down cliques.
The program starts with youth completing a Leadership Skills Inventory, basically a self-assessment that will help us develop individual leadership plans. Every youth is unique, and therefore we will develop a plan that is personally customized and allows us to measure short (summer) and long-term (school year) progress.
All of this will happen in a fun, safe setting that implements the Positive Youth Development Strategy and builds confidence through skill building.
The program is highly interactive. No lecturing; learn a skill, practice a skill, reflect on the skill learned, and how it applies to "real life". Each week will focus on 1-2 topics, which include, but are not limited to:
· effective leadership
· positive communication
· public speaking
· personal organization
· collaboration
· community service
· goal setting
· resume building
In total there will be 4 sessions
Service Opportunities:
In addition to the sessions, I am developing partnerships with local community agencies to plan out year round monthly community service opportunities that will begin in (hopefully) July. STAY TUNED!
Cost: $135
Venmo: @PalmettoConsulting
Checks payable: to Palmetto Consulting
All sessions will be at the Blessed Sacrament School